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Bronze in Scripture

Written by: Max Klein

What is the significance of bronze feet? Bronze always relates to some form of divine judgment. Jeremiah identifies with divine judgment as per Lamentations 3:6-8, “In dark places, he has made me live like those who have been long dead (analogy to the destruction of a client nation). (7) He has walled me in so that I cannot go out. He has made my bronze chain heavy. (8) Even when I cry out and call for help, He shuts out my prayer [Prayers are not answered during the administration of the final cycles of discipline]” The bronze chains were used to illustrate the 5th Cycle of Discipline and the servitude of the nation. 2 Kings 25:7, “And they slaughtered the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes and then put out the eyes of Zedekiah and bound him with bronze chains and brought him to Babylon.” Bronze is used for economic disaster to a Client Nation as part of the 4th cycle of divine discipline. Deuteronomy 28:23-26, “The heaven which is over your head shall be like bronze [no rain], and the earth like iron [no production]. (24) The Lord will make the rain of your land [the normal rains to cease so] powder and dust; from heaven it shall come down on you [divine discipline] until you are destroyed. (25) The Lord shall cause you to be defeated before your enemies; you will go out one way against them, but you will flee seven ways before them (retreat in panic), and you will be an example of terror [the intense fear when facing the consequences of rejecting God and His laws] to all the kingdoms of the earth. (26) Your carcasses will be food to all birds of the sky and to the beast of the earth, and there will be no one to frighten them away.” Leviticus 26:19, “Furthermore, I will also break down the arrogance of your power [a tremendous lust for power in the Land]; I will also make your sky like iron and your earth like bronze [as part of the 2nd cycle of discipline].” Bronze is also used for destroying future options by making bad decisions. Isaiah 48:4, “Because I know that you are stubborn and arrogant, and your neck is like an iron sinew, and your forehead like bronze.” In our passage we have “His feet were like bronze.” This represents the historical judgments of the nations of the earth by the Lord based on the principle that Jesus Christ controls history.


When bronze is being refined, the impurities are removed. By analogy, the Lord removes the impurities, the scum of a nation through natural, economic and military disasters. Without the removal of these impurities, the nation could not survive. For example, the Roman Empire had a golden age from 96 to 180 under the following emperors: Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antonius Pius, and Marcus Aurelius. This period brought about great prosperity in the Roman Empire and many failed this prosperity test. So, the Lord, as the one who controls history, used Emperor Commodus, an evil ruler to purge the people who did not pass the prosperity test. After these impurities were removed, Rome as a client nation went on for another 100 years as an effective client nation.


No nation goes down historically because of some tragedy for it is the sum-total of the bad decisions of its citizenry that brings the nation down. For example, in the United States, both unbelievers and believers have failed the prosperity-test. The unbelievers have rejected the Laws of Establishment for a multitude of evils, and the Christians have exchanged the spiritual life for religion.


The furnace of divine judgment is constantly judging nations like the heat of the furnace refines the bronze, removing the impurities. Many nations, especially client nations to God, must undergo disaster-testing to remove that portion of the population which is negative. In this way, the evil part will not infect and destroy that part of the population which is for truth. So many times, disaster will come to a nation because God intends to continue using that nation as a client nation to God. If degeneracy is unrestrained it will eventually influence those who are moral, who are good, and who are not degenerate. Therefore, degeneracy is periodically destroyed in history. National disaster is designed to remove the impurities of a population where the nation is going to be perpetuated as a client nation. No nation can survive without national disaster which removes its scum and gives opportunity for it to be perpetuated in history.


The phrase “His voice was like the sound of many waters” is also used for divine judgment. Ezekiel predicted the defeat of Israel as a client nation through military forces the Lord would bring against them. Ezekiel 1:24, “I also heard the sound of their wings like the sound of many waters as they went like the voice of the Almighty [the Lord destroyed 185,000 Assyrian infantry in the past as in Isaiah 37:36 to protect the Southern Kingdom possibly by a voice command; in this passage his voice is being used to destroy the Southern Kingdom], a sound of a great uproar like the sound of an army camp [the shouting and screaming of the Chaldean  army pursuing and destroying] ; whenever they stood still, they dropped their wings.”

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